How to order

announcement Pre-order only! For urgent or last minute order, please contact us directly @ 97423872! If you have any problem with your online order, please WhatsApp your order details to 97423872.

How to order

The steps by steps guide for your online order are as follow:

Click here for video guide

The steps by steps guide for your online order are as follow:

1. Decide on the product(s) you would like to order.

2. Select your product and fill in all the required order details.

3. Select your order quantity and click "Place Order Now".

4 Select either "Delivery" or "Takeaway" options. For the Delivery option, we do require a minimum order of $30.00. 

5 If you have selected "Delivery" option, just key in your delivery address postal code. Your delivery address with the street name will appear. Do NOT need to key in the unit number at this point.

6. Select Delivery Date & Time and click the "Confirm" Button. Our daily cut off time for next day delivery of Yummy Tarts is 12.00 noon. For our Gourmet Cake, there is a lead time of 2 days with a daily cut off time of 12.00 midnight.  However, this is still subjected to the availability of our baking slots at the time of your order.

7. After completing the Takeaway or Delivery option, it will bring you back to the product menu page. Here, you can still choose to add on more products, by clicking onto the product you wish to add on. 

8. Once you are done with your shopping, please click onto the Shopping Cart Icon (On the top right hand corner) to go to your Shopping Cart.

9. At the bottom of the Shopping Cart page, click "Proceed to Check Out Page" and check out as "Guest Check Out" (For a faster process).

10. For those who want to keep track of their order history, it would be ideal to register an account with us before proceeding to check out. This will serve as your account with us, when you place your next order with us.



11. For "Delivery" option, please fill in the delivery address details with unit number, recipient's name, email address & mobile contact number. If your delivery and the billing addresses are different, please "untick" the box "My billing and the delivery addresses are the same" to give you the option of filling in a different address for billing. Also, if the order is meant to be a surprise gift to the recipient, do remember to indicate only your own or the ordering party’s email address in the delivery details column. Check through all the details and once all the details are in order, click the "Continue" Button to reach the payment page. It is important to ensure all the order details are correct before you continue with your payment.




12. For "Takeaway" option, please fill in the billing address details.Check through all the details and once all the details are in order, click the "Continue" Button to reach the payment page. It is important to ensure all the order details are correct before you continue with your payment. 




13. There are 2 payment options consisting of PayNow QR Code or Credit Card. For the PayNow QR Code, the detail steps for either Deskstop/Notebook or Mobile users are as follow:  

For Deskstop or Notebook user, you will need to use your mobile phone to make your payment @ checkout. 

a. Use your mobile phone and open your PayNow banking app. 

b. From your banking app, tap on Scan & Pay or Pay & Transfer. 

c. Next, scan the PayNow QR code (as shown below) on your screen.

d. Login using your PayNow banking app User ID and Password. 

e. It will bring you to the Scan & Pay screen that will display the payment details including the payment amount. Make sure the recipient name is BEE’S CAKE PTE LTD. You just need to tap on PayNow to complete your payment. 

f. Once the payment is made, the page will refresh itself.




14. For mobile user (mobile phone or tablet), you will need to use your mobile device to take a screenshot of the PayNow QR code to make your payment using PayNow supporting app. The detailed steps are as follow:

a. Take a screenshot of the PayNow QR Code with your mobile phone/tablet and save it in your photo gallery.

b. Open your PayNow banking app on your mobile phone/tablet.

c. Login using your PayNow banking app User ID & Password. 

d. Tap on Scan & Pay or Pay & Transfer and import the PayNow QR code from your photo gallery. 

e. It will bring you to the Scan & Pay screen that will display the payment details including the payment amount. Make sure the recipient name is BEE’S CAKE PTE LTD. You just need to tap on PayNow to complete your payment. 

f. Once the payment is made, the page will refresh itself.







15. Once your payment is accepted, you will receive an email confirmation for your order. If you do not receive it in your inbox, do check your Junk Mail. Your screen will also display a short duration of the message "YOUR ORDER HAS BEEN PLACED!"



16. You can also opt for Credit Card payment by filling up all the usual information necessary for credit card online transaction to effect the payment and confirm your order.  An email confirmation of your order would similarly be sent to your stated email address. 


17. Once again, it is your responsibility to ensure all the order details are correct before confirming your order with us. When you received your email confirmation/receipt after you have successfully placed your order, please check and ensure the accuracy of all the details on the order confirmation/receipt. If there is any discrepancy found, please inform us immediately in writing.


18. If you do face any problem with your online shopping, you may wish to Whatsapp us @97423872 and let us know the problem you are facing and we will try to help resolve the problem.